Welcome to the new factor.ca!
We’ve made some changes around here. Our new site is easier to navigate, with all the information you need to know at every stage of your project at your fingertips. We’ve enabled google-based searches. We’ve made it mobile-friendly. We’ve made it accessible. We’ve also been hard at work updating our internal documents to make things clearer for everyone.
Take a tour!
As always, information about our programs can be found in the Our Programs section. Take a quick tour.
The Application Details section will walk you through every step of your FACTOR project, from what profiles you need to set before you begin, to creating your applications, and then submitting your completion paperwork when you’re all wrapped up. Learn what you need to complete each step, download guides and forms quickly, and know what to expect as your project takes shape. Take a quick tour:
FACTOR in the Community section lets you know about what we’re up to outside of the office. From here, you can bring FACTOR to you through the Request a Speaker form. You can see where we are and what we’re up to across the country on the Upcoming Events page. Check our News page regularly for deadline reminders, program updates, new resources, or important goings-on at FACTOR hq. You’ll also find out how to become a part of FACTOR by becoming a juror, and how to support us if you’re a radio station.
The FACTORfunded section is where we proudly share your success stories, and see which projects have received funding in the past.
Lastly, the FAQs & Resources section is where you can go whenever you’re stuck. Click through our expanded FAQs to troubleshoot any issues you’re experiencing. Take a look at our guides and forms. We’ve split them into Applicant Resources (look here for help if you’re in the application stage) and Recipient Resources (where users who have received funding can find relevant forms and calculators).
To log in to the portal, click the SIGN IN button in the top right corner. All existing profiles and projects will continue to live in the portal. We will continue to make improvements and push new updates regularly to make the portal easier to use for everyone. We welcome all feedback.