Home Artist Entrepreneur

Artist Entrepreneur

Artist Entrepreneur is for artists rated 3 or Platinum Album Certified Artists who are investing in their own masters, copyrights, and/or live performances. It replaces the Comprehensive Artist program and is designed for increased flexibility for eligible activities and expenses during the program year – aligned with FACTOR’s fiscal (April 1 – March 31).

Artist Entrepreneur funding is allocated once a year for recipients to undertake a suite of activities fostering the development of the artist and the promotion of their music. These activities can include expenses related to the production and marketing of their sound recordings, domestic and international touring, including showcasing. Activities must be central to the development of the Canadian artist, the promotion of their music and the expansion of their audience. Applicant artists can only include activities for which they control the rights.

Components in this program

This program consists of the Artist Entrepreneur component.

Who is Eligible

  • Artist 3

Canadian Artists falling into a Top Tier designation defined as at least one of the following categories:

  1. Artists who have graduated from FACTOR Juried Programs
  2. Artists who have been designed Artist Level 3 at FACTOR for the Fiscal Year
  3. Artists who have achieved a Platinum Designation in the last five years from any commercial releases (singles, EPs, or albums)


The intake deadline for fiscal 2025-2026 is to be announced.

Funding & Payments

Schedule of payments for 2025-2026: After the funding offer is accepted by the applicant, FACTOR will issue 50% of the contribution amount as an advance payment. The next installment of up to 40% of the contribution amount will be issued when the Mid-year Cashflow Report has been received, reviewed, and accepted by FACTOR. The remainder of the funding is paid out when the completion has been received, reviewed, and accepted by FACTOR.

Assessment Process

The funds in this program are awarded competitively among eligible applicants depending on the available budget in the fiscal year (April 1 – March 31).

Canadian artists’ applications will be assessed on two main criteria:

a. The artist’s ability to reach audiences, based on both previous investment and current success.

b. The artist’s efforts to develop their career, and to promote and develop audiences, based on an assessment of their proposed investment strategy and its feasibility.