If it's your first time applying to FACTOR for the Artist Development or Juried Sound Recording deadline next week, make sure that your artist profile and applicant profile have been submitted for review today. Profiles submitted after today will not be rated before the application deadline on Thurs, Sept 29, so you'll have to wait til the next deadline to apply.
Verify that your artist profile (and applicant profile) have been submitted and reviewed today by logging in to portal.factor.ca and opening your artist profile and your applicant profile. If both have a rating, you’re all set and can proceed with your project application. If one (or both) do not have a rating, make sure to click the “Request Review” button.
Profiles that are not yet rated must be submitted before 11:59 PM EDT (1:39 AM NDT; 12:59 AM ADT; 10:59 PM CDT; 9:59 MDT; 8:59 PM PDT). Any profile submitted after today will not receive a rating before the application deadline next week. Consequently, you will not be able to apply to the AD or JSR programs until the next deadline (January 26, 2017).
If you need some help with your profiles, follow along with our step-by-step guide on the Application Details section of the website.
If your profiles are rated and you’re working on your application, you can check out our Application Process guide.
Hot tip: while you’re waiting for your profile to receive a rating, why not start filling out your Artist Development Plan word document (for Artist Development applications), or take a peek at our Marketing Plan Guide PDF (mandatory for JSR applications). We’ve also got a Juried Assessment Preparation Guide PDF that will be really handy to refer to as you write your application.
For more info, check out our deadline reminder news post.
As a perennial reminder, our servers are experiencing a high volume of procrastinator traffic today. Pages may be loading slower than normal. Be patient, stay calm, and remind yourself not to wait til the last minute next deadline.