Latest News
This page contains our newsletters, standalone announcements, deadlines, and updates to our programs and foundation.
Semi-Annual Profile Review: Wed Aug 31
Twice a year FACTOR reviews all the artist profiles in our system and reassigns artist ratings. The next profile review is scheduled for Wednesday, August 31 2016.
Congratulations to Polaris Short-List Nominees!
FACTOR is a proud supporter of both Canadian musicians from coast to coast to coast, and the Polaris Music Prize itself. We’re proud to have offered funding to 8 of the 10 short-listed artists, including 2 #FACTORfunded albums.
Become a Juror
FACTOR draws on a broad and diverse range of industry professionals to help funding reach artists in every community across Canada, in a wide spectrum of genres and styles. We believe that peer evaluation ensures a fair and transparent process and promotes equal representation throughout the industry.
Important Changes to Artist Profiles
We’ve made some changes to make it easier to navigate your artist profile, and know what information you need to update before our semi-annual profile review deadline, coming up on Wed, August 31.
Welcome to New Director Julien Paquin!
FACTOR is pleased to welcome Julien Paquin of Paquin Artists Agency to our Board of Directors. Julien is an elected member representing the independent music industry.
Our 2016-2017 Pocket Guide Has Arrived!
Our Pocket Guide for First-Time Applicants is now live, and we can’t wait to share it with you!
Deadline for New Profiles!
The last day to submit unrated artist / applicant profiles in advance of the May 26 Artist Development / JSR deadline is Thurs May 19 at 11:59 PM PT.
I helped design the Artist Development program, AMA
The first deadline for the Artist Development program is Thursday, May 26. Join us for an AMA on reddit on Tuesday, May 17 at 3 PM ET and get all your Artist Development questions answered.
Congratulations #FACTORfunded ECMA Winners!
FACTOR is proud to have supported winners and nominees at the 2016 East Coast Music Awards this past weekend.
Congratulations to the #FACTORfunded JUNO Winners!
The results from Calgary are in. We’re proud to have supported so many nominees and winners at the 2016 Juno Awards.
Results of Annual Profile Review
The results of FACTOR’s Annual Profile Review have now been released. New ratings will be in place until March 31, 2017.
Changes to Completions Documentation
We are eliminating the two-step process of submitting supporting completion documentation.