Latest News
This page contains our newsletters, standalone announcements, deadlines, and updates to our programs and foundation.
Annual Applicant Profile Review – Tuesday February 28th 2017
Twice a year FACTOR reviews all the applicant profiles in our system and reassigns applicant ratings. The next applicant profile review deadline is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28, 2017. Clients should log in to and verify that the information provided in their applicant profile is accurate and up-to-date by 11:59pm PST on this date.
Annual Artist Profile Review – Tuesday February 28th 2017
Twice a year FACTOR reviews all the artist profiles in our system and reassigns artist ratings. The next profile review deadline is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28, 2017. Clients should log in to and verify that the information provided in their artist profile is accurate and up-to-date by 11:59pm PST on this date.
Government Increases Export Funding
As of January 2017, the Government of Canada has increased the annual allocation to Export activities, including international tours and showcases under the New Musical Works program, and Export showcases under the Collective Initiatives program for this and next fiscal year.
New Voluntary Demographic Questions
FACTOR has launched some new voluntary demographic data collection questions in the portal. The information provided to us is confidential. The purpose of these questions is for FACTOR to have a better understanding of who is using the system and who is receiving funding.
Remembering Andréanne Sasseville
We at FACTOR are saddened to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, Andréanne Sasseville. Andréanne’s commitment to Canadian independent music through her work at SiriusXM was formidable.
Artist Development & Juried Sound Recording Deadline
If you plan to submit to the Artist Development or Juried Sound Recording deadline, now is the time to be updating those artist profile bios, determining your project goals, writing your Artist Development Plan, and preparing your JSR marketing plan.
Happy Holidays!
We hope you enjoy the holiday season with friends and family and great music!
Our office will be closed as of 12:00pm Friday December 23rd 2016 and will reopen at 9:00am Tuesday January 3rd 2017.
Carlo the office pug says happy holidays as well!
New Profile Deadline
If it’s your first time applying to FACTOR for the Artist Development or Juried Sound Recording deadline next week, make sure that your artist profile and applicant profile have been submitted for review today. Profiles submitted after today will not be rated before the application deadline on Thurs, Sept 29, so you’ll have to wait til the next deadline to apply.
Congrats, Kaytranada!
We had an awesome night at the Carlu in Toronto as we fêted the brilliant talent that is the core of Canada’s music industry, thanks to the Polaris Prize.
Artist Development & Juried Sound Recording Deadline
Applications to the Artist Development and Juried Sound Recording programs – FACTOR’s two most popular programs – must be submitted by Thursday September 29 at 11:59 PM PT. Here’s what you need to know to create your strongest application.
Congratulations CCMA Winners!
It was a great week in London for the CCMA’s Country Music Week. FACTOR is proud to recognize the following FACTOR-funded award winners.
Congrats to CCMA Awards Nominees
FACTOR is a proud sponsor of the Canadian Country Music Association. We can’t wait to see who takes home the awards on September 11. Congratulations to all the #FACTORfunded nominees!