With funding and services designed to assist the spectrum of musical expressions and talent, FACTOR is committed to reflecting the diversity of the Canadian population in its programs and operations while also promoting inclusiveness within the broader Canadian music sector.
FACTOR has three Diversity & Inclusion constituencies: a Board of Directors subcommittee, an internal staff committee, and FACTOR regularly consults with members of our External Advisory Committee. These committees examine our policies, programs, and outcomes in this area.
Diversity & Inclusion are not end goals but constant aims. We are continually working with our fellow committee members to improve each process and understand FACTOR needs to be consistently taking actionable steps forward.
FACTOR brings a Diversity & Inclusion lens to our activities. Companies we provide support to must have policies in place and meet criteria or have an in-progress plan for meeting diversity in their workplaces.
Projects we fund through Collective Initiatives and Sponsorship are given special consideration if amplifying underserved constituencies. FACTOR provides funding to Music Industry Association projects which serve D&I aims, such as Black History Month, Indigenous People’s Day, Pride Month, International Women’s Day, and more.
FACTOR provides operational support to Women in Music Canada and the Indigenous Music Office. FACTOR is lead funder of their work in Canada of Keychange, the international movement aiming to create a better, more inclusive music industry for present and future generations.
FACTOR has Accessibility Support Funding available to applicants and funding recipients to assist with submitting applications and completing projects.
All applicants to FACTOR programs must include demographic information in their profiles (including ‘prefer not to answer’) as a condition to be funded so that FACTOR may report, in aggregate, on the intake and outcomes of programs.
We are always open to hearing concerns and suggestions of what we can do better. If you have any questions or recommendations about our Diversity and Inclusion initiatives you can contact us at info@factor.ca.